Parent / Guardian Volunteering
The Little Athletics motto is “Family, Fun and Fitness”. Little Athletics is a family sport and is one activity where the whole family can be involved and participate. Like other Little Athletics centres, Algester Little Athletics Centre is a not-for-profit organisation which is run solely by volunteers, most of whom are parents of current athletes at the Centre. Unfortunately, there isn’t always enough helpers. Our Centre cannot operate without the assistance of parents and carers filling the many and varied roles needed each week to run our competition. To hold the weekly competition, we need around 65 volunteers to run all of the events. It can be quite difficult to fill all the roles necessary to ensure we can provide a safe and fun weekly competition for our kids.
Parent / Guardian Participation Levy
To encourage assistance, our Centre collects a $50 parent participation levy from each family as part of the fees payable during our sign on day. To obtain a refund of the parent participation levy at the end of the season, each family must have helped out for 75% of our eligible competition days, which usually calculates to be approximately 15 competition weeks. A mother, father, carer, guardian, grandparent, relative or older sibling of an athlete can help out to contribute to the 'family' total. One volunteering 'point' toward the levy refund can be obtained from the following:
(a) Canteen volunteer for the duration that the canteen is open during Centre weekly competitions or for no less than 2 consecutive hours during championship days
(b) Event Official for the duration of any given Centre weekly competition
(c) Age Marshall for the duration of any given Centre weekly competition
(d) Assisting set up prior to the commencement of any Centre competition (from the specified set up start time for the duration of the set up process until completed) or assisting with pack up at the conclusion of any Centre competition
(e) Assistance at any Centre working bee
(f) Assistance at our Centre Carnival (eg. set up, pack up, canteen, selling raffle tickets)
(g) Event Official at Regional or State competition
(h) Attendance at officials workshop or coaching workshop